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Illinois Science Council invites you to the final program for the 2018 Chicago Science Festival. We are excited to offer a terrific addition to ISC’s Chemistry for Adults series of events.

Join us for “Chemistry of Bread” with award-winning baker Greg Wade of Publican Quality Bread and ISC’s Chemist in Residence, Dr. Shelby Hatch from Northwestern University. They will teach you about the incredible science that happens in every loaf of delicious bread.Focaccia bread from Publican


You will learn about the chemistry of yeast fermentation; plant breeding with wheats, ryes and other grains; what is so interesting about sourdough; nuances about bread-baking temperature; the subtlety of water in bread, etc.

There’s a good bit of chemistry, a little biology, and even physics, plus a whole lot of tasty science for your brain and your mouth!

Don’t miss this. Get your tickets today!

Big thanks to Publican Quality Bread for hosting this incredible event!