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Two speakers will present:

The Eclipse, Seven Russians, and the 4565 mile Road Trip! by: Dean Ketelsen
The “Great” solar eclipse last August, bisecting the United States, is a once-in-a-lifetime event for amateur astronomers and not to be missed!  However, sometime life interferes and while I SHOULD have been making reservations and itineraries, I was assisting my wife to her chemo sessions, and eventually, planning her memorial service.  I found myself 2 months before the event with 7 Russians joining me from halfway around the world, depending on me to have plans, as I started from scratch.  But sometimes Dr. Murphy smiles and somehow it all came together.  I’m telling the story of how 24 (!) of us ended up on the lawn of a woman and her 2 granddaughters in Shoshoni, Wyoming, by her admission “changing their lives” and ours as well.


The development of large scale structure from the cosmic web to galaxies. by: Alex Gurvich
What is the universe’s baby picture? Is space really empty? Where do galaxies come from? What is the largest object in the universe? Does the universe look more like meatballs in a soup, Swiss cheese, or a sponge? Most importantly, how do we know? Together we will journey through evolution of the universe from the big bang to present day, unraveling the questions that keep me up at night.