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Don’t miss this talk by one of America’s foremost food experts!

Illinois Science Council scored you a treat for your tastebuds just in time for Thanksgiving! ISC is hosting Guy Crosby, PhD, best-selling author and Certified Food Scientist, for a special event for anyone with an interest in food, cooking, science, history, evolution, nutrition, and health. He’ll talk about his life passion and his latest book, “Cook, Taste, Learn: How the Evolution of Science Transformed the Art of Cooking” and will answer audience questions.

Dr. Crosby’s third book “Cook, Taste. Learn: How the Evolution of Science Transformed the Art of Cooking,” will be of significant interest to readers who enjoy food, cooking, science, history, evolution, nutrition, and health. He traces the evolution of cooking from the first use of fire through the renaissance of science during the 1600-1700’s up to the present time when the new science of cooking teaches us how to prepare delicious meals for a healthy diet. For those who are especially interested in the science of food and cooking the book contains numerous sidebars that explain complex technical topics in very simple terms as well as a small number of recipes that illustrate the scientific principles. The interest in cooking science is surging because it teaches us how to optimize the nutritional quality of the food we eat by minimizing the loss of essential nutrients and enhancing beneficial nutrients such as protective antioxidants. The science-driven changes in the way we cook will help reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, and many forms of cancer, and enhance our quality of life. Cooking will no longer be seen as just an art but as the perfect blend of art and science, creating simple dishes that are delicious to eat and good for our health.

This online program is FREE and brought to you by the food lovers at Illinois Science Council (which is all of us). Donations to support more science outreach programming are welcome at https://www.illinoisscience.org/donate/

Customers in the United States, Canada, U.K, and elsewhere who purchase “Cook, Taste, Learn” through the Columbia University Press website receive a 30% discount off the price of the book by using the promo code CUP30 HERE.

Guy Crosby, PhD, CFS (Certified Food Scientist), known as “the cooking science guy,” has been an adjunct associate professor in the Department of Nutrition at the Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health since 2005. He is also science editor for Christopher Kimball’s Milk Street, which produces a popular cooking magazine, PBS television cooking show, and radio program. Until August 2017 Guy had been the science editor for America’s Test Kitchen for more than twelve years and for more than thirty years worked in the food ingredients and agricultural products industries.

You can watch the live stream on ISC’s Facebook page HERE
Or, a Zoom link will be sent to you if you register at: https://scienceofcooking.eventbrite.com