Immunity: How Vaccines Keep You Healthy
by Cara Froyd | Science Within Us
“It’s just like riding a bike!” We usually say this when we’re trying out a task or a skill that […]
What Your 23andMe Results Mean for Your Health
by Ben Marcus | Science Within Us
Last year, the genetic testing company 23andMe announced they will start testing for mutations in the BRCA genes, the ones […]
Glioblastoma: This Cancer is Not a No-Brainer
by Sarah Anderson | Science Within Us
In the summer of 2018, you probably heard the word “glioblastoma” popping up quite frequently in news reports upon the […]
A Spoonful of Insulin Makes the Blood Sugar Go Down
by Ananya Sen | Science Below the Surface , Science Within Us
Imagine drinking ten glasses of sugar water. What would you do after? Wash out your mouth? Eat something salty? You’d […]
How Genetic Mutations Cause — And Prevent — Disease
by Ben Marcus | Science Within Us
Stephen Crohn, an artist from New York, lost a lot to the AIDS epidemic of the 1980s. He saw his […]
How Your Brain Heals After A Stroke
by Jackie Patterson | Science Within Us
Think about the last time you walked down the street or grabbed a glass of water or spoke to a […]
Why Jet Lag Sucks: Your Body Clock and You
by Ben Marcus | Science Within Us
One weekend in early May, I endured one of the most confusing experiences in my life: a two-legged, 24-hour flight […]
Diabetes in Low-Income Communities: Its Causes and Its Solutions
by Pamela Bilo Thomas | Science Around the House , Science Within Us
According to the Center for Disease Control, in 2014, over 29 million people had diabetes in the United States – […]
Chemical Warfare: an Assault on your Nervous System
by Dana Simmons | Science Within Us , The "TEM" of STEM
You’re out protesting for a cause that’s near-and-dear to your heart. You’re used to getting jostled around in the crowd, […]
The Genetics of Bliss
by Kate Proudfoot | Science Within Us
The phrase “nature vs. nurture” calls to mind the idea that the traits that make us who we are, such […]
Alzheimer’s Disease: Causes, Preventative Measures, and Ideal Outcomes
by Agnes Laskowski | Science Within Us
Have you ever wondered how people develop Alzheimer’s disease? Is it something that begins before the person or anyone else […]
The Rhythm of Movement
by Austin Lim | Science of the Outdoors , Science Within Us
“If you can walk, you can dance.” Within this traditional African proverb lies a hidden truth about our nature as […]
A Taste of Science for the Everyday
by Stefanie Kall | Science Within Us
Have you ever wanted an instrument for determining which biological molecules are present in a mixture? Okay, unless you’re working […]
Tiny Folds, Big Sounds: The Physiology of Singing
by Dana Simmons | Science Within Us
Marissa Simmons is a professional opera singer and private music teacher in the Chicagoland area. During her studies at the […]
Your Gut Microbiome and You: How Bacteria in Your Intestines Keep You Healthy and Happy
by Kate Proudfoot | Science Within Us
“Microbiome” – it’s a popular buzzword these days, but this word means different things to different people. What is the […]
The Maillard Reaction: A Taste of Food Chemistry
by Austin Lim | Science Within Us
“How come we never learned anything practical in high school?” He placed his steak knife parallel to a grill line […]
The Tests That Donated Blood Goes Through
by Alison Gould | Science Within Us
If you’re unlucky enough to end up in hospital in need of a blood transfusion, you trust that your transfusion […]
Blood Types and Donuts: How Blood Typing Works and Why it Matters
by Alison Gould | Science Within Us
What’s your type? Blood type, I mean. You may already know that you’re an “O negative” or a chirpy “B […]
The Science of Lucid Dreaming
by Sadie Witkowski | Science Within Us
When I was about 12, I had a dream that children I didn’t know were chasing me and my friends […]
What’s In Your Ears Besides Wax?
by Vicente Lumbreras | Science Within Us
Our inner ear is the powerhouse of our hearing and vestibular (balance) senses. Hearing is part our everyday life: we […]
It’s 2018. How is Cancer Still a Thing?
by Stefanie Kall | Science Within Us
Cancer is such a scary word. It comes in many different types, and chances are, it has touched your life […]
Where Would We Be Without Blood?
by Alison Gould | Science Within Us
Where would we be without blood? That red stuff that carries vital oxygen from our lungs to our muscles, and […]
The Reason Sugar Tastes So Darn Good
by Ben Marcus | Science Within Us
Sugar is everywhere. Kids crave it, pastry chefs live by it, and dieters avoid it like the plague. It comes naturally in […]
The Flu Shot: A Police Raid on Influenza
by Laura Ruhge | Science Within Us
You’re sitting in a room at your doctor’s office. Today, you might be visiting for a checkup. Or perhaps you […]