Why is insulin so expensive in the United States?
by Cara "Andy" Anderson | Science Within Us
This year, 2021, is the 100-year anniversary of the discovery of insulin by Frederick Banting, James B. Collip, Charles Best, […]
Aquatic Invaders Threaten the Great Lakes
by Collin Schreur | Science of the Outdoors
If you live near the Great Lakes, there is a good chance you’ve heard of the fish menace known as […]
How mRNA Opens the Cell Door—the Janitor Holds the Key
by Sarah Anderson | Science Within Us
The game is starting any minute. He sprints to the gym door, grabs the handle to throw it open, and—his […]
A Book Review of – When Brains Dream: Exploring the Science and Mystery of Sleep
by Bill Carroll | Science Within Us
In the earliest dream I can recall, I was being held captive in a cave, handcuffed to a giant. Upon awakening, […]
Road Trip for Soil: Examining How Bacteria Influence Locoweed Distributions
by Matthew Scott | Science of the Outdoors
Have you ever been on a road trip and noticed a new type of tree appear outside your car window, […]
The Quark Star: The Star We’ve Never Seen
by Simarjot Singh Monga | Science in Space
As a kid with myopia or short-sightedness, I was recommended by the doctors to gaze upon the stars in the […]
Most kids don’t know how to use their inhalers. Could more screen time be the solution?
by Alex Emerson | Science Within Us
When it comes to treating an asthma episode, speed is key – just ask your favorite asthmatic TV characters. From […]
Accelerating Art: Fermilab’s First Artist in Residence
by Lindsay Olson | People in Science, The "TEM" of STEM
After hours of training, I strapped on my dosimeter and stepped into the 4-mile-long particle accelerator that uses 1,000 superconducting […]
Exploring the Microbiome of Yellow Rays
by Matthew Scott | Science Below the Surface
You are most likely a member of a community. This may include a city, your favorite sports team, your children’s […]
Lonely But Not Alone: How Perception and Stress Shape Our Reality
by Emily Silver | Science Within Us
In one of his most famous songs, the pop artist Lauv sings: “Modern loneliness, we’re never alone But always depressed, […]
NASA’s Upcoming Missions Are Exactly What Sci-Fi Fans Have Been Waiting For
by Miles Murray | Science in Space
The February 2021 landing of the Perseverance rover on Mars marked the start of a new era for NASA as […]
Six Easy Ways to Improve Your Mental Health
by Arthur Piccio | Science Within Us
Given the relatively high cost of healthcare in the United States, there has been an increased focus in recent years […]
Optogenetics: Lighting Up the Brain
by Zachary Kortge | Science Within Us, The "TEM" of STEM
Inside our head is a raging electrical storm that creates the basis of our very existence. The electricity created by […]
The Dunning-Kruger Effect and Imposter Syndrome: Signs that Your Self-Judgement is Off the Scale
by Stephanie Jyet Quan Loo | Science Within Us
I remember the time I first learned about algebraic equations. Feeling confident that I would definitely be able to answer […]
Incompetence, Ignorance and Indifference: How Governments Have Shaped India’s Second Wave
by Anjali Kotamarthi | People in Science
Earlier this week, during my compulsory early morning review of the latest trending news, I was met with an onslaught […]
The Monarch Butterfly Population is in Decline – But You Can Help!
by Erika Hasle, Izabella Redlinski | Science of the Outdoors
There is a psychological phenomenon that makes it difficult for humans to notice slow changes. Our brains adjust to the […]
What and where are extra dimensions?
by Yahya Ashraf | The "TEM" of STEM
It is widely believed that we live in a four-dimensional world comprised of length, width, height and time. But the […]
After 50 years, We Finally Have a Drug to Help Victims of Acute Ischemic Stroke
by Alicia Jackson | Science Within Us
Strokes can lead to long-term disability and lifelong mobility issues, especially in survivors aged 65 and above. This is very […]
Combating Climate Change with…New Materials
by Ben Marcus, Sarah Anderson | The "TEM" of STEM
We’ve gotten pretty far relying on simple materials such as wood, steel, and nylon to create a modern society, but […]
Nobel Prizes 2020: Their Impact on the World, Past, Present, and Future
by Fabricio Pamplona | People in Science, Science Within Us
The Nobel Prize is famously awarded to those whose contributions to science, arts, and peace drive humankind towards a better […]
Why Americans are Getting the COVID-19 Vaccine: Their Stories
by The Science Unsealed Editorial Staff | People in Science
With unfamiliar terminology and mixed messages coming from every direction, it becomes clear why so many Americans are currently undecided […]
How Has COVID-19 Impacted Scientific Research?
by Bill Carroll | People in Science
For those who are fortunate to still have their jobs, the COVID-19 pandemic has made the workplace a risky place […]
Completely Random Science Trivia
by Ben Marcus | Science Around the House, Science Within Us
Sometimes you’re in the mood to sit down and read a feature article that really dives deep into an important […]
The Past is Present: What Ancient Viruses Can Teach Us About Their Modern Counterparts
by Michaella Sangiolo | Science Within Us
Although viruses are microscopic, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, they have never been more visible than before. And as more […]